About Us
The Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC) is a fish and marine mammal co-management board established pursuant to the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.
Find out more about the FJMC and our responsibilities in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
The FJMC, the Inuvialuit and Fisheries and Oceans Canada work together on the co-management of fish, marine mammals and their habitat in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR). Find our more about regional co-management efforts for fish and beluga on our co-management page.
Sport Fishing
If you plan on sport fishing in the ISR, find out more about how you can contribute to fisheries management in the ISR by signing up on our sport fishing registry, or talk to the local Hunters and Trappers Committees (HTCs) in person about your plans to fish in the ISR.
For information on resources relevant to fish and marine mammal co-management in the ISR, check out our resources page which includes: publications, newsletters, updates, opportunities for youth, our working partners and web links.
2024-25 quarterly meetings (under construction)
2024-25 fiscal year projects (under construction)
april 17th, 2024
FJMC Inuvialuit member Gerald Inglangasuk pictured with DFO Research Scientist, Kevin Hedges at the 3rd International Conference on the Ecosystem Approach to Management in Arctic Large Marine Ecosystems Conference in Tromsø, Norway